Saturday, February 13, 2010


I recently helped Sheila Salyer and Beth Hollister at the Senior Center again this year with the housing day for their participants in TALL (Tallahassee Area Lifelong Leaders).

These are usually but not exclusively retired individuals still wanting to make a difference in our community or making that difference and wanting to learn more.

We visited Woodmont Assisted Living where they fed us lunch which was fabulous and also Ed Dion's Remodel for a Universal House, over on Glenview. Very impressive what this builder has done to make this older home more practical for aging, or physically challenged individuals.

It took many individuals assistance to pull off the day and I am grateful for all the help and welcoming folks we visited. If you are interested in being a part of the TALL program at the Senior Center next year, contact Hella Spellman there at 891-4000.

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